Welcome to the Climate Communications Coalition

We move people to act on climate 

Help us ensure that governments and corporations follow through on their 2030 commitments:

1) 30%  (aim for 50%) of all oceans and lands to be put into preservation to save biodiversity

2) Protect Mature and Old-Growth forests and plant 1 trillion additional trees globally to avert the worst of our climate and extinction crises

3)   60-80%  CLEAN energy generation -solar, wind, or geothermal- and 100% clean by 2050

Everyone has a job to do - please join us!

We support environmental conservation and climate justice organizations in their communications and outreach – at no cost to them. The Climate Communications Coalition combines the voices of environmental organizations and activists, develops effective strategies for core shared messages, and distributes these through mainstream media. We  understand that consistent and cohesive, accurate, data-driven, and creatively executed messaging and programs can move the general public to action and we have no time to lose.

Register today!

We’re an Environmental Conservation or Climate Justice Organization and would like you to help us get our message out.

I’d like to volunteer my time and skills to help move people to act on climate change and the environment. 

I freelance or work with a media outlet and would like to receive ClimateCC’s communications.

We’re exempt from Federal Income Tax under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) 3.  Donors can deduct all contribution made.  Our EIN is 86-3539216

This is not a drill.