
1. After you register:

After you register with us as a Volunteer- Partner, we will review your registration and match you with specific activities based on your talents and experience.  We will then contact you and discuss these options.  Activities range  from  supporting our social media posts, to grant-writing, video editing, media buying, and so much more.  All hands on deck!

If you register as an Enviro-Partner, we will review your registration and then call you to discuss your campaigns and needs, your must-haves, and do-nots.

If you register as a Media Partner, we hope that you will amplify our messages and tips, and we will add you to our distribution list.

2. Key topics and needs:

We will identify the core campaigns and action areas (i.e. Ocean focus or Afforestation focus) for each environmental organization and see where the messaging is not effective or lacking. We will then identify which environmental organizations can cooperate in specific action areas. Most organizations have several different topics or areas of activity . We will design a messaging strategy to activate audiences for each topic and obtain approval prior to proceeding. As we start, we will focus on earned media tactics (a.k.a. Public Relations such as press releases and social media) until we have enough information published for us to solicit a grant.

3. Creative execution and production:

One of our key goals is to counter the disinformation campaigns fielded by big profit such as fossil fuel corporations. Once we have obtained funding (i.e. for public information, sustainability, and education) we will amplify the messaging for each action area/topic through a 'commercial-style' communications campaign across paid media (online, broadcast, outdoors) to reach the general public and move them to act. This is key because most environmental and climate justice organizations only talk to their existing members! We will concept effective creative executions, obtain enviro-partners sign-off, and proceed to the production of public service announcements (PSAs), Radio and TV spots, pre-roll (online), OOH (out of home such as billboards and bus wraps), etc.

4. Cooperation, consistency, and cohesion:

Every communication that we issue, will prominently feature the participating environmental organizations’ names and/or logos under the umbrella of the Climate Communications Coalition. All communications are cooperative and will serve several organizations -and a key environmental issue- at a time. This approach will allow us to issue coherent and consistent messaging, increase reach, and repetition. It will also streamline the creative and production for different campaigns and outreach programs clarifying our core message and multiplying reach. It adds credibility and urgency. In addition, coalition communications will allow us to apply for more grants.